Afro-descendants in Latin America: toward a framework of inclusion


About one in four Latin Americans self-identify as Afro-descendants today. They comprise a highly heterogeneous population and are unevenly distributed across the region, but share a common history of displacement and exclusion. Despite significant gains over the past decade, Afro-descendants still are overrepresented among the poor and are underrepresented in decision-making positions, both in the private and the public sector. The extent to which Latin America will be able to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity will therefore depend, to a very large degree, on the social inclusion of Afro-descendants. The objective of this study is to deepen the region’s empirical understanding of the drivers behind the persistent exclusion of the afro-descendants, as a first step to design appropriate solutions.

World Bank
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Jorge Soler-Lopez
Jorge Soler-Lopez
PhD student in Public Policy and Administration

I am a PhD students in Public Policy and Administration at Bocconi University. My research include topics in development, data science and health.
